The New Mexico Children’s Alliance (NMCA) is a membership-based nationally accredited state Chapter of the National Children’s Alliance (NCA). We are a statewide group of Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) working together to improve New Mexico’s community response to child abuse. NMCA provides technical assistance, funding, and a conduit for communication to member CACs.
Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) are child-focused, child-friendly facilities where children and their non-offending caregivers feel safe enough to get the help they need to stop abuse and begin the process of healing.
CACs use a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach that brings together professionals from law enforcement, child protective services, medical, mental health, victim advocacy, and other agencies to offer comprehensive services to children and their families.
NMCA is housed under the umbrella organization of the New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, Inc., located in Albuquerque, New Mexico (Tiwa Pueblo land).
Download our brochure here: NMCSAP-Brochure-General-Digital
NMCA’s priorities are:
- providing technical assistance and training to CACs and their multi-disciplinary team (MDT) partners,
- providing opportunities for networking and collaboration,
- promoting organizational growth, and
- education of decision makers and the community at large about the CAC and MDT model to address child abuse.